
I Am A Downhill Whore

If there is a Downhill within 10 miles of my house, I've had my way with it....numerous times. I realized yesterday on my morning run that I actually strategically plan my routes to seek out and take advantage of Downhills. Oh, I'll huff and puff and grit my way through doing the requisite ugly friend, Uphill, as long as Downhill promises me a sweet hookup afterward. But when it comes time, I won't take my time and savor Downhill--oh no--I'll let go and just fly through him, they way I can't make myself do with old ugly-turn-out-the-lights-put-a-bag-over-his-head-and-pray-for-it-to-be-over-soon Uphill. The feeling of running fast on Downhill is one I just can't get enough of.

Yes, it's true. I can admit it: I am a Downhill whore. Do they make porn for that?

Yesterday I did about 5.2 miles in 50 minutes. Downhill count: 6. Today I am skipping my morning run and instead going for a rafting trip on the Platte with my old college roommate who is in town. I think I'll save my rendezvous with Downhill for tonight. Oh, the anticipation!


  1. Slut! All kidding aside, many ultra runners actually walk the uphill and fly the downhill. Saves energy and in the end, the time difference is negligible.

    Enjoy the rafting - I am officially jealous.

  2. ZOMG, sister, downhill porn exists, and this post is IT!

    I'm still breathing hard! (I normally breathe flaccid.)

  3. You're so funny. If ho-in' up a downhill is wrong, I don't want to be right!

    Thanks for the rafting invite last week. I would have LOVED to tag along. Next time perhaps. :o)

  4. I love the downhill too. Whenever I'm running up hill, I tend to say "You're a burly ass bitch and I hate you." It really does help.

  5. Haha.

    I do out-and-back running, so I get punished if I do too many downhills.

  6. Downhill likes it when you're on top.

    Nice slopes.

    That's all I got today.

  7. Getting down on the downhill. Fantastick!

  8. So I take it you like it fast? LMAO! Absolutely hilarious post!

  9. If only my love of downhills rival yours I would have made Boston my beeaaatch...

  10. haha downhills can be sooo fun - you feel like you are flying!
