
A Run Without Gizmo is No Run At All

I did a nice 8 miles this morning with the running club folks; technically it wasn't exactly a group run, cause well, I was too tired to stay up with the folks I normally run with, so I was really running on my own.....a few hundred yards behind them. It was kind of a new route--I'd run the first half of it before but not the second--and though it was a little tough, I enjoyed it. We ran uphill for about 4 miles, then turned around and had the sweet downhill back. It was a beautiful morning and everything is so green and lush right now, I really wish I'd brought my camera. Must remember to do that on runs.

Though it was a nice day, my run simply didn't feel complete because unfortunately, gizmo is still ill. I had no way to keep track of my run--I had him alive temporarily, thanks to Lam and Jawsome's great tips on resetting him--as two miles in, he crashed again. So, I guess I have to call in backup support at the garmin tech center. Luckily, he is only a few months old, so I think the warranty will cover the deductible to get him shipshape again. Or maybe provide for gizmo^2.

The rest of the day held a picnic at Wash Park with a friend and her daughter plus my Shorties. It was a perfect day for it and we all had fun. And if my luck holds, they will crash hard for an early bedtime tonight...one can only hope.


  1. Good luck getting your garmin back in working order.

    A couple months old? They should fix or replace it free if you ask me!

  2. I like runs where you turn around and the way home just flies by! Makes me feel confident.

    I feel lost when I don't have my garmin...I hope you figure it out ASAP!

  3. Have you tried Garmin customer service? The word on the street is that they're pretty good.

  4. I'm always so impressed with people who run that far in the morning. So far. So early.

    Good luck with Gizmo. I'm already obsessed with mine, and it's never left the house. :o)

  5. Found your Blog while hopping around.. I ran one day without my Garmin because I left it at work and went CRAZY!! All the best getting your Gizmo going..
